Monday, January 30, 2017

skills for work

some things I am good at for work are

1.cut hair at a school

3. work at the store

when t meet someone new

I am usually good at talke to people I oso say hi to meney how wlak anwy

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

dress appropriately

someing to share

I share toy with my coins when he was liliet baby I paly with white him I like to whit my 5yerd coins he was a good coins he was  nies coins I miss him he because he don't live her he live in new jerey I miss him

Thursday, January 12, 2017

tell about a time you met someone who didnt apperar interested in you

I met someone at pv her was good friends they help me at pv high I miss theme at this school I wish there  I can see them at school I miss my friends

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

whay is it important to look for a job

I look to work at a good job that pay good money because work is a good job because you can biey a hose foe my falmily